on May 29, 2024

As the days grow longer and the flowers start to bloom, we are buzzing to bring you the Ricochet ROUNDUP for May! It's filled with fresh updates and valuable resources to keep you informed about the latest from your Ricochet team.

Hill Day 2024

It is always rewarding to meet with the offices of our Representatives and Senators to support the AFG & SAFER grants and funding for Urban Search & Rescue teams (USAR) and the US Fire Administration. The reception by staffers and members is almost universally positive, and this year, in particular, it is critical that we get their support to reauthorize the Fire Act Grants.

At this year’s FAMA/FEMSA Hill Day, leaders in the industry passionately emphasized the vital role of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) programs in safeguarding our communities. As President of the FEMSA board, Ricochet President Peter Askey and other Senior FEMSA/FAMA members met with representatives from both the Homeland and Appropriations committees of the House and the Senate to garner support and maintain funding for these critical grant programs. 

The discussions reflected hope and progress, emphasizing that the collaborative efforts of Congress and first responder organizations can transform challenges into opportunities. With over 60% of fire departments needing modern equipment, increased funding promises to equip them with cutting-edge safety gear and apparatus. Despite rising costs, there is confidence that bipartisan support will help revitalize these critical programs, benefiting firefighters nationwide.

The Senate's recent passage of the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S.870) marks a significant step toward ensuring long-term support for AFG and SAFER. FAMA/FEMSA seeks $405 million for each program in FY 2024, believing this investment will strengthen our nation’s disaster response capacity.
Their advocacy celebrated the resilience and dedication of America’s first responders while inviting Congress to join the Fire Caucus and champion the continued growth of AFG and SAFER. We can build a safer and more prepared nation for the challenges ahead by working together.

Ricochet is enhancing its structural firefighting gear with two critical updates: rolled pocket flaps and zipper pulls and tabs. Rolled pocket flaps, included in all structural fire garments starting in June, make it easier for a firefighter to grab the flap and gain access to essential tools stored inside quickly during critical situations. The zipper pull and tabs, will appear on most structural jackets, offering improved grip for rapid access to the zipper closure for donning and doffing. These features simplify operations while enhancing safety and efficiency, reinforcing the company's commitment to innovative design supporting firefighters in high-stakes scenarios. 


Territory Manager

Rod Born was raised in a family of volunteer firefighters and was inspired to follow the same path after witnessing his brother and father battle the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire in 1977. This tragic event ignited his desire to make a difference, propelling him into the Air Force as a firefighter. Over a 22-year career, he rose from rookie to fire chief, often volunteering with local departments at stateside bases.

Rod's experiences on duty are deeply impactful, such as responding to the terrorist attack on USAFE Headquarters at Ramstein, Germany. Years later, he reunited with one of the victims he helped save, validating his dedication to making a difference. After retiring from the Air Force, he continued serving the firefighting community, joining the Wall Volunteer Fire Department and eventually rising to fire chief.

After transitioning to the private sector, Rod leveraged his network and expertise to solve unique logistical challenges, such as providing new firefighting gear in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. His dedication and hard work earned him the trust and respect of his colleagues, ultimately leading to his current role at Ricochet. There, he focuses on understanding the unique needs of different departments and building personal relationships to serve them better. He is a staunch advocate for Ricochet's innovative Maximum Mobility (M2) gear, knowing firsthand the value it brings to firefighter safety and performance.

Rod's legacy is one of unwavering dedication, adaptability, and genuine care for the fire service community, making him a respected and indispensable figure in the field. His ability to adapt to diverse situations reassures the community of his reliability and competence.

Schwarber's Block Party

Philadelphia, PA


Warrior East ADS

Virginia Beach, VA

6/24 - 6/26